Minimising Mercury Exposure
Dental fillings are a commonly used dental treatment that many of us have benefited from. In the past these fillings were made from amalgam – an alloy of mercury with another metal, such as silver, tin, copper or zinc. The amalgam was made of approximately 50% mercury. Over 4 years ago Berkeley Clinic, registered orthodontist Glasgow residents rely on, made the decision to stop placing amalgam fillings due to their high content of mercury. We also started offering a safe amalgam dental fillings removal to everyone who is concerned with the high mercury content of their amalgam dental fillings.
Minimising Mercury Exposure
Berkeley Dental Clinic Glasgow has designed a safe amalgam removal programme. During this treatment the patient’s exposure to mercury is minimised. As the health of our patients is our highest priority before we start any procedures of amalgam removal we will have an initial consultation with you. During our first meeting we will discuss all steps involved in the process of removing your amalgam fillings and the available options for reconstructing your teeth with metal free alternatives.
Procedure Overview
As a registered orthodontist in Glasgow, Berkeley Clinic has a team of professionals with extensive experience who can remove your amalgam fillings quickly and easily. We have designed a removal procedure in accordance with the European Society of Homeopathy and we follow their guidelines to provide quality replacement of amalgam fillings. As a result at Berkeley Clinic dentist Glasgow we can remove several amalgam fillings in a single visit. Here is an overview of some of the actions we take as part of our protocol to ensure the safety of our patients:
1. Rubber Dam
As part of the amalgam filling removal a Rubber Dam is placed in the mouth to isolate the teeth to be operated. The Rubber Dam is a rubber sheet that helps prevent amalgam from being swallowed or inhaled. This is extremely important for the safety of the patient.
2. Oxygen Supply
A nose piece is worn by the patient to ensure that pure air is supplied during the procedure. This helps protect your from any potential inhalation of mercury vapour that could result from the amalgam filling removal.
3. Vapour Extraction
Another tool that enables us to guarantee your safety during the amalgam filling removal are our specially designed air filtration systems. They are a part of the design of our surgeries and help extract the mercury vapour from the air of the room during the procedure.
4. Other Remedies
In addition to our completely safe procedure, we also prescribe other remedies. These include pre and post procedure remedies that are used to eliminate mercury from your body and give you the peace of mind that your dental health is in the hands of professionals.
Contact Berkeley Clinic Orthodontist in Glasgow
If you have had amalgam fillings fitted and you are now worried about their high mercury content Berkeley Clinic orthodontist Glasgow has the solution to your problems. Our safe amalgam fillings removal has been designed with our patients’ needs in mind. We take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety and to minimise your exposure to mercury and mercury vapour during the removal procedure. Our professionalism has made us the preferred Glasgow dentist, while our advanced dental treatments guarantee that our patients receive the highest quality service possible. We offer a range of treatments including root canal treatment, teeth whitening, dentures Glasgow and others. To learn more about our services, to book a consultation or to get a dental check-up please contact us today.
Tags: amalgam fillings, amalgam removal, can silver fillings be replaced with white, dental treatments Glasgow, do fillings hurt, fillings, mercury amalgam, mercury filling removal, white fillings