Dr. Jamie Newlands demonstrates to other dentists the benefits of using Cerec 3d
Friday, October 9th, 2009
CEREC 3D Today Dr. Jamie Newlands is running course on Cerec 3D over in Moodiesburn Dental Practice. This will give other dentists in Scotland the opportunity to have one-to-one, hands on experience under the guidance of Jamie who is regarded as one of the UK’s leading Cerec experts. “Realising the potential for dentists to utilise […]
Jamie Newlands Heads to Las Vegas for digital dentistry meeting
Friday, September 25th, 2009
Latest Dental Technology Clinical Director of The Berkeley Clinic has been invited over to Las Vegas USA to take part in the first round table digital dentistry meeting. He will be adding his thoughts and opinions on what the future holds for dentistry especially in the hi tech sectors. Jamie who has built a reputation […]
Jamie Newlands Demonstrates a same day smile design
Monday, July 13th, 2009
Latest Dental Technology Jamie Newlands, The Clinical Director of The Berkeley Clinic has just returned from a very successful two day Hands on training course in beautiful Orkney. He was delighted to be chosen by Earls Palace Private Dental Clinic to teach and demonstrate cutting edge smile makeover solutions and techniques to some of the […]
No More Horrible Impressions
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009
3M Lava COS digital Oral Scanners Dr Jamie Newlands is featured on the Dentistry.co.uk website showcasing the 3M Lava COS digital Oral Scanners. Jamie was chosen for his expertise on advanced dental techniques and cutting edge clinic to be the first Dentist in the UK to launch and use this revolutionary technology. Jamie who treats […]