The Dental Button
Monday, August 16th, 2010
Reducing Dental Anxiety Dr Mike Gow talks about pressing the right button when it comes to managing anxious patients in the latest edition of Dentistry Scotland Magazine The Dental Button is a device that literally gives control back to the patient. By pushing a button, patients can stop the power supply to the dentist’s hand […]
The First clinic In Scotland To Offer The Dental Button
Wednesday, January 13th, 2010
Dental Anxiety Experts The Berkeley Clinic is the first practice in Scotland to offer the ‘dental button’- a device which literally gives control to the patient. By pushing a button, patients can stop the power supply to the dentist’s hand piece and therefore immediately stop dental treatment at any time. The team at the Berkeley […]
Berkeley Clinic Offers B-Calm System For Dental Anxiety
Wednesday, January 13th, 2010
Acoustic Anaesthetic The Berkeley Clinic is one of the first dental practices to offer the ‘b-Calm’ system which uses a complex blend of frequency patterns specifically designed to mask sounds of the dental environment. This device functions as an “acoustic anaesthetic” allowing you to control your own level of relaxation, reducing anxiousness and pain perception. […]
Mike Gow in Rome
Monday, September 21st, 2009
18th International Society of Hypnosis World Congress Dr Mike Gow, our resident expert in dental phobia mangagement and hypnosis has been invited to attend and give his expert opinions at the 18th International Society of Hypnosis World Congress in Rome. Mike will be representing The Berkeley Clinic and the UK and discussing his techniques and […]
Hypnosis For Dental Anxiety Management
Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
Dr Mike Gow’s Techniques Best Young Dentist Dr Mike Gow describes the potential of suggestions and hypnosis to address problems associated with post-extraction bleeding, pain and patient anxiety. These are techniques that Mike utilizes in the Berkeley Clinic that is why we see so many patients overcome their fears of the dentist. If you are […]