Understanding TMJ Treatment: TMJ Pain, Symptoms & Treatments
Friday, February 24th, 2017
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your lower jaw to the skull. Unfortunately, for some of us, TMJ syndrome can be a real and problematic issue that causes pain and discomfort in the jaw joint. TMJ syndrome can be caused by a whole host of medical problems and its symptoms can be shown in a variety of different […]
Do You Have a Clicking Jaw?
Monday, April 13th, 2015
What is TMJ? TMJ is a colloquial abbreviation for temporo-mandibular joint – the connection point between a person’s lower jaw and the temporal bones of the skull (in front of each ear). Many people experience issues with this particular joint during their adult lives, with one of the most common symptoms being that of a clicking […]
Managing Bruxism With The Berkeley Dental Clinic
Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
Clenching & Grinding Teeth Do you tend to grind your teeth? Have you noticed your loved one grinding teeth at night? Teeth grinding or bruxism can affect anyone and cause a number of problems including sleep disorders, stress, migraines, earaches pain in shoulders, back, neck and other types of pain. Studies have suggested that people are […]
Jawscan Scotland At The Berkeley Clinic
Sunday, May 17th, 2009
Craniofacial Pain & Disorders Of The Jaw Joint. Jawscan is our new area of expertise at The Berkeley Clinic. We have invested in the latest of diagnostic equipment and training for the treatment of craniofacial pain and disorders of the jaw joint. The accurate assessment of the condition of our patients bite and how the teeth function, […]