Charity Support For the Vine Trust
Our lovely dental intern, Rachael Dinsmore, has happily agreed to take about 100 toothbrushes donated by the Berkeley Clinic and distribute it to the kids during her trip to Peru! She has visited Ancash and Huacrachiro schools on the Amazon river, tributary Canal de Puinahua.
‘I had a fantastic trip in Peru with the Vine Trust and really appreciated the toothbrushes that you supplied’, – Rachael Dinsmore.
The Berkeley Clinic would like to thank Rachael for taking our toothbrushes to the other side of the world and participating in our ongoing charity support. Over the years the Berkeley Clinic has donated thousands of toothbrushes to various countries in Africa, South America and also for charities supporting homeless people across Scotland. If you would like to participate in our charity activities contact our team today on 0141 564 1900.
If you would like to find out more about the clinic or our charity activities contact us today.
Tags: berkeley clinic, Charity, compare toothbrushes, dental aid, Dentist, different types of toothbrushes, financial aid for dental work, how many toothbrushes are sold each year, Peru, Teeth, the vine trust, Toothbrushes, vine trust, vine trust peru