
The Berkeley Clinic Privacy Policy

Our mission statement –

At the Berkeley Clinic, our mission is to protect the privacy of all patient’s personal data and store it in a safe and secure environment that maintains confidentiality. We are fully committed to handling your personal data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The Berkeley Clinic is the data controller and this privacy notice describes how we collect and use your personal information.

We will only collect information that is necessary to deliver your dental and oral health care. We will protect your data by only sharing it with 3rd party providers that are necessary to improve upon and deliver services and have confirmed that they have the appropriate security measures in place to comply with the GDPR. 

Why we collect your data

The Berkeley clinic collects your personal data in order to provide dental health care, treatment and management to you. Our lawful basis for processing your data is special category, this allows us to carry out the provision of your dental and oral health care, treatment and management as we have previously done.

For us to keep you up to date with the latest services, products, exclusive events and special offers you will be required to opt in to receive these. Once you opt in, you can opt out at any stage by clicking unsubscribe in any marketing email you have received or by asking our reception team to opt you out.

The Berkeley Clinic uses cookies to enhance your experience, further information can be obtained by following this link

How we collect your information

We only collect your information directly from you for you, or if you are making an appointment on behalf of someone including children.  We may also receive personal data from the NHS that relates directly to your oral and dental health.

What information we collect

We collect personal information relating to your residential address, contact number, relevant medical and dental history.

Sharing your information

We will only use your data as the law allows.

We may share your data with third party service providers that are necessary for us to deliver the services to you. All third-party service providers are required to confirm that they have the appropriate security measures in place to comply with the GDPR and only process your personal information in accordance with our instructions.   

Retention period

Under GDC (General Dental Council - the regulatory body which governs dentists) guidelines we are required to retain all information on your health record for 12 years or if the patient is a child at the time of treatment until they reach their 25th Birthday whichever one is first. After this your file will be made inactive or deleted on our computer software system or paper records will be shredded and disposed of appropriately.

Any details that we may hold for you that are not directly related to your health record will be deleted in accordance with out retention policy.

Your right to access

You have the right to receive a copy of the data we hold about you. You should do this in writing and we will need verification that the request has come from you personally.   We will endeavour to provide this without delay and within 1 month of your written request however, we reserve the right to extend this by 2 months if the request is complex or numerous.

Your right to rectification

You have the right to rectify any of your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. The Berkeley Clinic will endeavour to allow you the opportunity to review and amend your personal details when you attend for an oral health check. You can also make a request to update your personal details via phone or email.

Your right to erasure

The Berkeley Clinic erase your data if you have not attended the clinic for 11 complete years or if you have been treated as a child and have reached your 25th birthday and have not attended.  This is in accordance with the GDC Guidelines.

Your right to restriction

You have a right to ‘block’ or supress your data from being processed. You can make a written request for this. We will continue to store that data under GDC Guidelines, but we will not process it. In this event we will make your file inactive and prevent any further processing. In the rare event we need to access your data we will inform you.

Your right to object

If you object to the Berkeley clinic processing information required and relevant to carrying out your health care, you may be unable to be a registered patient.   

Your right to data portability or automated decision making

These are not applicable to The Berkeley Clinic.

Failing to provide the Berkeley Clinic with your personal information

In the event you refuse or fail to provide personal information the Berkeley clinic may refuse to see you for your health care as all information we collect is essential to carrying out this service.


The Berkeley clinic may have CCTV installed. If they do it will be clearly displayed via sign. The purpose of the CCTV is to ensure the safety of staff and patients. Notices are displayed in areas where CCTV is in operation.

Breach reporting 

In the event of a suspected or actual data breach the Berkeley clinic will make an assessment of the risk to individuals patients and clients.  If the breach is assessed as high risk the affected individual will be contacted as soon as possible and is appropriate the Information Commissioners Office will also be notified in accordance with our notification policy.   

Queries and Concerns 

If you have a query about any aspect of this policy, a concern about your personal data or suspect a data protection breach please contact the clinic.

If you have a concern or complaint that we cannot resolve then you can contact the Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilslow, Cheshire, SK95AF.


GBB Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Orthodontics Terms & Conditions 

Thank you for taking part in our new and exciting Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Orthodontics run by the Glasgow Orthodontic Academy in collaboration with Brite Dental and The Berkeley Clinic.

  1. Terms and abbreviations
  • Training dentists: They are UK registered dentists who are undertaking the Diploma training but they are NOT specialist orthodontists or specialist orthodontic trainees.
  • Specialist orthodontists: They are UK registered specialist orthodontists who are undertook a recognised specialty training in orthodontics.
  • NHS: National Health Service



  1. Initial clinical assessment
  • The specialist orthodontists and training dentists will initially assess your teeth and bite. The clinical team (the training dentist and the specialist orthodontists) will likely discuss your treatment and use dental terminology that you may not understand.
  • If your treatment is within the scope of the clinical requirements of the diploma, we will be happy to offer you a treatment using fixed orthodontics (braces). Traditionally, this type of treatment would privately cost £2000-4000, however as this is an educational course, a total fee of just £400 would be payable. As a thank you from Brite Dental, we would also include complimentary teeth whitening, if it is possible with your case, at the end of your treatment to enhance your new straighter smile.
  • If your teeth need a complex treatment or specialist input only then we will suggest alternative treatment route through NHS, private treatment by specialist orthodontists or refer you to other dental practitioner who is more expert in treating your case.
  1. Treatment delivery
  • If your treatment is within the scope of the clinical requirements of the diploma, then you will be invited to attend another visit with the training dentist to take full records of your case.
  • Your treatment will be delivered by general dentists under supervision of their tutors (specialist orthodontists) who will be present during your treatment.
  • We will continue to monitor you for 6 months after completion of treatment to review retention. You should continue to see your own Dentist during your course of orthodontic treatment for routine care.


  1. Appointments
  • Each of your appointments will be scheduled to last 60 minutes but it can be extended up to 120 minutes. Due to the nature of the training course, delays may be unavoidable on the day and your appointment may run longer or you may not be taken at the time of your appointment. We apologise for this in advance and we strongly advise you make no other important commitments at least 2 hours after your scheduled appointment on the same day as to avoid any timing conflicts.
  • Depending on your individual case, you may need to attend extra appointments. These will be with the Course Director Dr Almuzian and/ or the supervising specialist orthodontists and will be discussed with you in advance.
  • Your attendance is of paramount importance as your assigned clinician will build their case study around you and will submit it to the Qualifications Board as part of their Diploma. Should you fail to attend any of the dates listed above, we may apply a charge of £150/ visit and will you be seen on an alternative day by specialist orthodontists to make sure that your treatment is moving smoothly. However, you should be able to see your initial general dentist who started your orthodontics to continue your orthodontic treatment.
  • You must be available on the dates below in addition to any other essential date that will be decided by the treating general dentist and the specialist supervisors as per treatment needs subjected to change at least 6 weeks in advance.


Saturday, May, 04 (2019)

Saturday, June, 08 (2019)

Saturday, July, 27 (2019)

Saturday, September, 07 (2019)

Saturday, October, 19 (2019)

Saturday, December, 07 (2019)


Saturday, January, 11 (2020)

Saturday, February, 22 (2020)

Saturday, April, 04 (2020)

Saturday, May, 16 (2020)

Saturday, June, 27 (2020)

Saturday, August, 01 (2020)



  • Only under exceptional circumstances, should we have to change the date of 1 of the assigned treatment dates, you will be informed with as much notice as we are able to give you
  1. strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action
  2. civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat
  3. of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war
  4. fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other extreme weather conditions or forecasts thereof, or other natural disaster
  5. impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport
  6. impossibility of the use of public or private telecoms, networks
  7. death, incapacity or illness of any member of the faculty involved in delivering one or more course days


  1. Payment
    • Payment of £400 must be made by the end of April 2019
    • Payment can be made by cash, cheque and debit or credit card.
    • Cheques are made payable to Glasgow Orthodontic Academy


  1. Refund Policy: No refund will be given if decision made to stop treatment after fitting of braces
  2. Cancellation of the diploma course: It is highly unlikely that we will cancel the Diploma course and patients’ recruitment for the course, but if this happened, then we will notify you and you will receive a full refund of the paid deposit.



I acknowledge that I have read the above information in section I of the consent form and I am fully aware of its contents and have had a chance to ask and get answers to all questions I have.



Thank you for taking part in our new and exciting Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Orthodontics run by the Glasgow Orthodontic Academy in collaboration with Brite Dental and The Berkeley Clinic.  Please read the below point related to the risk, benefits and committeemen of orthodontic treatment.

  • Training dentists: They are UK registered dentists who are undertaking the Diploma training but they are NOT specialist orthodontists or specialist orthodontic trainees.
  • Specialist orthodontists: They are UK registered specialist orthodontists who are undertook a recognised specialty training in orthodontics.

Orthodontic treatment mainly aims to straighten teeth and provide a more pleasing smile. 


Orthodontic treatment usually proceeds as planned, and we (the training dentist and the specialist supervisor) intend to do everything possible to achieve the best results for every patient. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with your results, nor can all complications or consequences be anticipated. 


Due to the wide variation in the size and shape of the teeth, missing teeth, etc., achievement of an ideal result (for example, complete closure of a space) may not be possible. Restorative dental treatment, such as aesthetic bonding, crowns or bridges may be indicated.


Treatment may involve fixed braces which are attached to the teeth or removable types of appliances which can be taken out for cleaning. The training dentist already advised what is appropriate for your case.  Sometimes a combination of appliances is used or additional components are recommended.    


The actual treatment time is usually close to the estimated treatment time, but treatment may be lengthened if, for example, unanticipated growth occurs, if your cooperation is not adequate or if you rescheduled or cancelled your regular appointments. Therefore, changes in the original treatment plan, lengthening of the treatment duration or sub-optimal result may become unavoidable. 


It is necessary to check appliances on a regular basis in order to monitor progress and make adjustments. Normally, you need to visit us every 6 weeks as pre-specified in the terms and conditions, it could be more or less depending on your case and the orthodontist recommendation.


Failure to attend regularly will result in prolonged or unsuccessful treatment, if this is deemed to be a problem the treatment will be stopped prior to completion. We have a failed and cancelled appointment policy as stated in the terms and conditions. 


Excellent oral hygiene is essential during orthodontic treatment as are regular visits to your family dentist. Inadequate or improper hygiene could result in cavities, discoloured teeth and/ or gum disease. These problems may be aggravated if you consume sweetened beverages or foods frequently. Hard, sticky and chewy foods should be avoided to avoid any breakages.


The mouth is very sensitive so you can expect an adjustment period (usually about 3-7 days) and some discomfort at the start of your treatment. Non-prescription pain medication can be used during this adjustment period.


Some cases will require the removal of baby teeth or permanent teeth either at the start of during your treatment. The training dentist and the specialist supervisor will keep you informed if this may become necessary.


The roots of some patients’ teeth may become unpredictably very short during orthodontic treatment. However, many patients have retained teeth throughout life with severely shortened roots. If detected during your treatment, the training dentist and the specialist supervisor may recommend a pause in your treatment. 


The prospects of long term stability differ for each individual case but teeth have a tendency to try to return to their original position. Completed orthodontic treatment does not guarantee perfectly straight teeth for the rest of your life. The position of the lower incisor teeth may worsen with age whether or not orthodontic treatment has been undertaken, hence, retainers will be required to keep your teeth in their new positions. Regular retainer wear is often necessary for several years following orthodontic treatment.


The training dentist and/ or the specialist supervisor will continue to monitor you for 6 months after completion of treatment to review retention. You should continue to see your own Dentist during your course of orthodontic treatment for routine care. 


It is recommended that routine dental care is well looked after by your own dentist throughout orthodontic treatment. Please note that general dental work such as fillings, checkups and cleans are not performed by orthodontic diploma students and therefore, it is recommended that appointments with your regular dentist are made every 3-6 months. 

View Our Extensive Patient Testimonials

Find out what our patients say about their experience. 

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Are you unhappy with your smile, do you get embarrassed by your crooked and discoloured teeth? Is it difficult to eat the foods you love? Would you like to replace missing teeth with a fixed solution, have straighter whiter teeth and get the smile that you’ve always wanted? Call the Berkeley Clinic today to book your consultation and get the smile you've always wanted.

Contact us today

Partnering With Excellence

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  • 4d Dental
  • Cam Dental Lab
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